
School Workshop / 学生工作坊






Beginner Workshop is for the ones who don’t have screen printing experience and want to learn the basics. It takes you through every stage from artwork preparing, to exposing your screens and printing your image onto art paper. It’s very thorough and a really great workshop if you are keen to learn silkscreen technique.

IB丝印俱乐部 x 上海纽约大学 & 北大附属嘉兴实验学校 IB Print Club x New York University Shanghai & Peking University Experimental School

We also tailor group workshop for students. At our studio with a professional set-up, students can work in groups or individually, and go through every step of print making: from creation to screen exposure, to hand screen printing. This bilingual workshop is hosted by IdleBeats' artists, who will be answering questions about creation and print making throughout the program.

Inquiry and Booking: ibprintclub@idlebeats.com

我们也为广大的莘莘学子定制入门工作坊。在IB Print Club的专业丝印工作室里,学生们可以体验到团队协作和动手动脑的快乐。最后将一起创作出的艺术作品印制成独一无二丝网版画并带回家,记录这特别的学习体验!

