采样宗教祈祷的手势、月球与宇宙;以人与自然(甚至是超自然)的联系、跨文化的精神行为作为贯穿的线索。 Nini Sum 以数码拼贴的手法,创造了一幅幅超现实的黑色美学场景,尝试消解固有观念的隔阂,打造一个开放、自由的精神世界和极乐之地。


<MOON MAD> talks about the connection between human and nature(& super-nature), it's also a digital collage experiment in zine format.

With samplings of religious symbols: The praying hands, the lotus, women in Burqa and the performers of Nuo opera; as well as imageries from the vast nature: The surface of moon, the jumping deer, the desert and the ocean, Nini Sum tries to create a borderless world shared by all human-beings, it’s a common connection across different regions and cultures, a peaceful spiritual world, where conflicts raised by ideologies and culture differences are deconstructed.


<MOON MAD> zine

艺术家 Artist: Nini Sum

工艺 Printing Technique:孔版印刷 Risograph

印刷工作室 Printer: 加餐面包 Pausebread Press

尺寸 Format: 7" (18 x 18cm) 36页Pages